SMF Config / ULCL Config

This document explains the detail of SMF config. Also provide some examples about conversion between config file and real userplane topology

ULCL limitation: The branching UPF now can’t connect to the Internet. It only serves as a Intranet in the UPF topology. (Please refers to the topology of example 2)


Field meaning
scheme The protocol for SBI
ipv4Addr SMF provide the SBI service on this IP
port SMF bind the SBI service to this port


Field meaning
addr SMF bind PFCP to this IP

Userplane Information

Field meaning
userplane_information Includes topology and information of RAN and UPFs which are controlled by this SMF
up_nodes The node in the user plane topology. Includes gNodeB, I-UPF and A-UPF
links The edge in the user plane topology
type Indicate it is RAN or specific kind of UPF
an_ip The IPv4 address of RAN
node_id The PFCP IPv4 address for UPF
up_resource_ip The user plane IPv4 address for UPF

up_resource_ip serves as default user plane IP for the UPF.
In this version, UPF will determine its user plane IP by itself.
So setting up_resource_ip in SMF config won’t affect real config in user plane.

AMF Config

To understand whole PDU session config, we must take a step forward to understand the AMF config.

Field meaning
NGAPIPList AMF bind NGAP to this IP
SBI Same meaning with SMF/SBI.

Example 1

SMF Config

AMF Config

Representing Topology

Example 2

SMF Config

AMF Config

Representing Topology